At ReSource we spend our days talking about peoples most
valued items and what happened to them to result in an insurance claim. Although
we enjoy hearing about the items other people cherish, what is it that ReSource
employees enjoy? We asked the staff to bring pictures of a ReSource replaceable
item they own which would be missed if it was lost, stolen or damaged.
Below is a collection of some of the responses we received. All
of these items hold a special place in their homes from bike rides with kids
and family movie nights, to meaningful jewelry and favorite hobbies.
We know that there was a reason and purpose for each item on
an inventory list. It could be that the item holds a sentimental value or is
just an invaluable part of daily life. We empathize with each insured and
listen with an open heart to ensure we know what made it special.
We encourage you to take a moment to consider those personal
treasures in your house that would impact you the most if suddenly without them. Some of the criteria we considered when choosing our items were: what items are
most used, most loved, most valuable, most comforting…The answers may surprise
This exercise serves as a reminder that you never know what
someone else considers to be important in their life, everyone values items
differently! Taking a little extra time to listen can make all the difference
in the world