Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New York City

- Post by Adina  Murphy, Office Representative

One of my favorite pastimes is hanging out with my Uncle. We have fun no matter what we are doing, but our best time is spent going on trips. I am originally from New York, so when we decided to take a trip back up there I wasn’t expecting much. Now looking back, I have to say you never really see or experience the surroundings your city has to offer until you move away and go back for a visit. I had been to New York City countless times, but never as a tourist. This trip opened my eyes to a whole new world. The most exciting thing I saw was a very old church in Manhattan with a history worth sharing.

St. Paul’s Chapel, completed in 1766, is the oldest surviving public building in Manhattan. During the Revolutionary War, Alexander Hamilton held drill practice in the chapel’s yard with his militia unit. It survived the Great New York City Fire of 1776 when the British captured the city during the war. George Washington worshipped there on the day of his inauguration in 1789. On September 11, 2001, the chapel kept its doors open and took in the firefighters to give them a place to rest, eat, and pray. They still have the actual bench on display where the fireman rested. As much as I wanted to capture all the history, they don’t allow pictures to be taken inside the chapel.

Another fun site we visited in Manhattan was The Port Authority Bus Terminal. The terminal was created as a result of the growing bi-state region of New York and New Jersey. It consolidated the bus routes and takes you around New York and into New Jersey. One thing that particularly caught my attention was a statue in front of the building of Ralph Kramden. For those of you who ever watched the TV show “The Honeymooners,” you know who I am talking about and will appreciate this.

New York was a wonderful place to spend my vacation after all. If you are ever out that way, make sure to stop by these landmarks and don’t forget your slice of pizza!

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