Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Texas Bluebonnets

 - Post by Amanda Brown, Purchasing Dept

Springtime in Texas brings a variety of elements to the state; thunder storms, crazy winds, temperatures all over the spectrum of hot and cold, and of course, bluebonnets! The bluebonnet is the state flower of Texas and during spring you can find them littered all over our highway embankments and fields.

Taking family portraits in the bluebonnets is a long running tradition for many families in Texas, and mine is no exception! Last weekend Chris and I took Kayla, our 14 month old daughter, to sit in the bluebonnets near our home and get some pictures of her. I love taking pictures, and for the most part, Kayla tolerates it being directed at her pretty well (even if she chooses to make silly faces instead of smile most of the time).

The ground of the field we took her too was very uneven, and as a fairly new walker she found the terrain very hard to navigate. She isn’t much of one for getting her hands dirty and especially doesn’t like to touch grass or plants unless it’s on her terms. The tripping and subsequent touching of the ground was a little traumatic at times but, with a little help from mom and dad, she made it through the experience unscathed.

After searching the small field for the perfect spot we ended up settling on a nice little patch that already had an open spot (other picture takers had ventured here before). We were able to get a few snap shots in before the outreached hands and whimpering got the best of us and Kayla got picked up!

When we got home Kayla took a long nap, apparently she had an exhausting experience that afternoon, and I got to look through all my pictures and take them to get printed. Now my desk is decorated with Kayla and bluebonnets and I couldn’t be happier! :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Wheeling with the Brown's: Canyon's Offroad Park

In pursuit of following the Fun Side of ReSource, our blog comes back around to the Brown's, a husband and wife combination working here at ReSource and their off road adventures.  On the weekend of Feb. 26 Amanda and Chris decided to go on an uncharted adventure to a previously unexplored (by them) park here in Texas known as Canyons Off Road Park.  Canyons is nestled just outside of a small tourist town in the Hill Country known as Fredericksburg, Texas, a hot spot for many around Texas wanting to visit the early German culture that originally settled Central Texas.  The park itself is actually located 10 miles to the north of town on private land.  The weekend held the largest turn out Canyons Off Road Park has ever had with 53 vehicles coming out to explore the property.

Dairy Queen is the Texas Stop Sign and a sure stop on any road trip!

The drive from Dallas to Fredericksburg is no short one and Amanda and Chris took off fully loaded on Friday evening after work and pulled into camp just after 10 PM.  After setting up camp and sitting down for a few beverages they turned in for the night, electing to sleep in the Trailer with the heater running!  After a very cold night, they woke up early and loaded up the buggy for what was sure to be a very promising day.  They rounded up their good wheeling buddy John and his Bronco and hit the trails.  The pictures below show just a few of the obstacles we saw.

Looking down on a little grade in the trail!

John and his Mighty Bronco.

"If you just rock it a little..."

After a full day's worth of wheeling, dinner was had on the main street of Fredericksburg, Tx at Wheeler's Cafe chosen aptly for the name and how it related to the day's events.  Once back at camp, a fire was had and many frosty adult beverages were consumed.  It was a good time had by all and once again to escape the cold of night they elected to sleep in the trailer.  On Sunday it was time to pack up and head to the house, a successful weekend of wheeling was concluded.  Stay tuned for Chris and Amanda's March trip to Katemcy Rocks in Mason, Tx.

The Little buggy that could climbing a dirt wall.

Vaya Con Dios!  All loaded up and headed home!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Go Pirates!

- Post by Staci Wiser, Purchasing Dept 

Ok, I know that you must be thinking, “Wait, isn’t ReSource in Texas? Why is she cheering for Pittsburgh?” Well yes, you are right, so while it is hard to cheer for a baseball team other than the Rangers, I make an exception every Saturday morning to cheer on my Godson, Jordan, and the Pittsburgh Pirates! (And I’ll just secretly hope that next season they get to be the Texas Rangers!!)

I love watching baseball, but another reason I enjoy going to the games is to soak up some sun and to spend time with Jordan’s mom, my best friend of almost 15 years! Baseball games are a great time for us to sit back, relax, and enjoy a nice iced coffee. Oh, and we keep the books, so we have to pay pretty close attention to the game too! In fact, I have learned quite a bit about the game from watching Jordan play over the past couple of years. For example, this is him being “baseball ready”.

Although we lost this past Saturday, there were a lot of good hits and good plays, and some funny ones too! You’ll have the occasional player that would rather draw in the dirt and sometimes you wonder why you don’t have a left fielder, and then you see that it's because they’re asleep in the dugout! You can be sure though that come time for end of the game snacks and stickers, no one is left sleeping!

Next Saturday is sure to be another fun game. You never know what you’re going to see in little league, but I know I’ll be there cheering on my favorite # 6! Go Jordan!!