Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Best Gifts of 2011...

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for."
-Author Unknown

As we approach the end of 2011, it’s fun to reflect on the events of the passing year. We like to consider ourselves family here and are closely connected with many of the events in each other’s lives. We’ve had an amazing year and added 3 new members to the ReSource family, the best gifts under our Christmas tree!

Easton Wayne Bynum

The first born in our line-up is Easton, born to Bryan and Tiffany Bynum on 5/29/11. He weighed in at 9 lbs. 3 oz. and was 19 inches long! He’s the second baby to join their family and big brother Cody (4) has taken on his protective duties with pride. The normal crying routine most babies go through hasn’t been an issue with him since he is happy all the time, always smiling and laughing! Bryan reports that Easton sometimes wakes them up in the middle of the night because he is laughing in his sleep… wouldn’t that be nice! 

Easton Joe Cremeans

The second baby born this year was Easton (yes we’ve got two of ‘em!), born to Racheal and David on 6/16/11. He was 3 months premature and weighed in at only 1 lb. 12 oz. and was 13 inches long! After a long 94 day stay in NICU, where he fought hard and grew like a weed, mom and dad finally got to bring him home to start their lives together. Everything was well worth it in the end, nothing lights up Rach’s face like talking about Easton. She brings him up to work to show him off sometimes and he is happily passed around to all the cooing women. 

Clara Gail Champagne

The most recent addition this year is Clara, born to Stephen and Monica on 12/1/11. She weighed in at 7 lbs. 1 oz. and was 20.5 inches long. She is the third addition to their family with older brothers Carson (15) and Cameron (12) standing by to fend off the boys! A fun tradition developing is for the boys to run in from school exclaiming “Clara!” for dibs on who gets to hold her first (in the “shotgun” style of calling for the front seat of the car). Grandma is also in on the excitement, having lots of fun playing dress up with the first girl grandbaby!  Vote for them on the Million Moms Challenge!